Call for Abstracts

AMPP’s Annual Conference + Expo 2025 Call for Abstracts

The AMPP Annual Conference + Expo features a robust program of peer-reviewed symposiums, forums, workshops, standards and technical meetings, student poster sessions, networking and more. Join us for our third annual AMPP Annual Conference + Expo 2025 in Nashville, TN.

Do you notice a symposium that does not have a Chair or Vice Chair identified yet and you are interested in serving in this position for the 2025 Annual Conference? Please email and provide a brief description of your educational and professional experience that demonstrates your knowledge of the subject by Monday, July 29, 2024. Please note, the Call for Abstracts for Research in Progress Symposia will open in August 5, 2024. 

Submit Abstract Topic Descriptions Topic Chairs

Key deadlines for 2025

August 5, 2024  – Call for abstracts closes
September 2, 2024 – Author notifications sent
October 21, 2024 – Draft paper due
December 9, 2024 – Final paper due and copyright agreement 
February 7, 2025 – Presentation slides due
February 14, 2025 – Deadline to submit changes to AMPP Staff

Before submitting an abstract

  • Confirm your company/institution will allow you to travel to the Annual Conference next year present your work in-person if your abstract is accepted. There will be no virtual presentations in 2025. All accepted abstracts for technical symposia require a technical paper to be included in the published conference proceedings.
  • Read through the Topic Descriptions and select which one you would like to submit an abstract for.
  • Any questions prior to submitting your abstract? Please select Contact the Organizers at the top of the abstract submission page.

To submit an abstract

  • Once you have confirmed your company/institution supports your participation in the Annual Conference, review the list of Topic Descriptions to determine which session aligns with the work you are submitting for consideration.
  • Click the “Submit and Abstract” link from the AMPP homepage.
  • You will be prompted to create a new profile for Morressier, our new paper management system. Please do this in order to continue in the abstract submission process.
  • Complete all required information:
    • Select the topic that best fits your abstract
    • Add a minimum of 2 key words
    • Abstract title
    • Abstract (200 words) 
    • Disclose if you have any conflict of interest
    • Select the level of research and complexity (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
    • Acknowledgement
    • Add secondary/co-authors, if applicable
  • Preview and submit your abstract.